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Ariel Triebull

Ariel Triebull

Coaching Students with Decision Point

Growing up in Cincinnati, OH, then immersing myself in the vibrant community of Calvary Chapel Finger Lakes School of Ministry in Canandaigua, NY (2018-2020), and finally finding my way to the spirited landscapes of Tucson, AZ, has been an incredible journey. But let me tell you, the hunger for truth I've encountered since arriving here in 2023 is unlike anything I've ever experienced before!

I am absolutely thrilled to be right in the midst of Tucson, witnessing firsthand the extraordinary work that God is doing through these bold and Spirit-led students! The Holy Spirit's power is electric in Tucson, evident in the fearless and loving teens who joyfully embrace and share the Gospel with unbridled enthusiasm!

And let me tell you why I'm absolutely passionate about this ministry...

Why I Feel Called to This Role

It's been my lifelong dream to serve the Lord full-time evangelizing, and what better way to do it than alongside teenagers?! Despite the challenges they face, they are the most eager and hungry for direction. Despite the enemy's attempts to dissuade and discourage, we know that the battle has already been won!

These students are filled with an infectious faith, backed by powerful testimonies and an unstoppable passion for spreading the Gospel. I can personally testify that God is on the move, transforming hearts and minds in these schools in miraculous ways! Let's join together in Christ, rallying around these young warriors, and supporting them wholeheartedly as they fulfill God's will, becoming a generation of bold and unashamed believers who shine His light brightly for all to see!

Would You Partner with Me to Reach Students in Tucson?
